How to Save Money on Your Grocery Budget with a Veggie Garden

These days, rising grocery store prices are impacting everyone’s wallets — and they’re showing no signs of coming down any time soon. That means if you’re like many people, you are searching for ways to stretch your grocery budget further.

Clipping coupons and buying generic instead of name brand products are certainly some options that can help you combat increased costs, but we recommend there’s another one you could try: planting your own vegetable garden.

Here’s why.

You can grow produce at a fraction of the cost of what’s in the store. 

There are a lot of costs that go into producing the fruits and vegetables that line your grocery store shelves. Beyond the expenses of simply caring for the plants, food packaging, transportation and distribution all add to the bottom line. These additional costs are ones that you, as the consumer, ultimately pay for, one way or another. And of course, if you typically buy organic produce, these expenses will only compound.

Growing vegetables in your own garden, on the other hand, gives you access to the freshest — and tastiest — options available.

When you begin your garden design, you may be surprised at just how much your garden can produce, even in a small garden space with limited square feet available. To maximize your investment, start with choosing vegetables that you know you’ll get the most use of, such as cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers and leafy greens.

You also can supplement growing in raised beds with container gardening for fresh herbs like oregano and cilantro.

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